E-seal & RFID System for Kaohsiung Harbor Custom

There is great quantity of transit containers were imported and exported in Kaohsiung Harbor every year. There are five container terminals in harbor that causes illegal smuggling on way of delivery. Consequently, custom adopts artificial escort to prevent smuggling. Thought artificial escort is effective in precluding smuggle, the carrier must pay the considerable escort expense. In order to reduce carrier's business cost, to accelerate the customs clearance of container and to promote Port of Kaohsiung's international competitiveness, Alexan completed the development of electronic seal and we also helped building non-escorting electronic custom clearance system. The steady high reading rate (above 97%) makes the system become the good reference for a lot of country's custom to inspect and learn.

APEC 2009 Conference briefing    2011APEC 


Harbor Container Management System

Base on the missions of Three Direct Links and i-Taiwan 12 Projects, the government is planning to build state container terminal deep-water port in Kaohsiung Red Head Harbor. As the growth of the RFID technology and the e-Taiwan policy, Alexan and Chunghwa Telecom collaborated to establish automation system of container shipment with RFID and OCR (Optical Character Recognition system), and we hope to make Taiwan become an advanced automation harbor country

RFID example


Avenger Launch Antenna
